OVERVIEW - SATURN is the second largest planet of the solar system after JUPITER.
SATURN is 6th Planet from SUN and it is gaseous planet.
SATURN is named after the Roman God of Agriculture (whose name was SATURN)

Mercury is the GOD Of commerce, travel and thievery in roman because it moves so quickly across the sky.
VENUS is the Roman Goddess of Love and beauty, because it makes a beautiful sight in the sky.
EARTH is the only planet whose English name not derives from Greek/Roman mythology.
MARS is the Roman God of WAR, because its color is RED.
JUPITER name was the KING of the GODS of roman mythology.
URANUS is the ancient Greek deity of the Heavens.
NEPTUNE was the Roman God the sea because it's looks Blue in color.
There are many theories which talk about - 'HOW SATURN GOT ITS RINGS
Some Theory told, As Saturn is 2nd Largest planet, so some asteroid get collapsed and particles of asteroid get trap and make rings.
Some Theory told that, That particles which make Saturn Rings are Saturn itself particles.
Saturn has almost 13 rings
Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system which has rings. - Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune also have rings. (They have very faint rings)
The outer planets (Jovian Planets or Gas Planets) are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Outer Planets have rings because they are far away from SUN where there is more debris of Asteroids and that converted into a belt.
Second reason is to attract that debris, mass of planet should be larger and we know Jupiter and Saturn are the biggest planets.
So as per ROCHE LIMIT - Roche Limit is the distance from the centre of the celestial body where the tidal forces are so strong that any other celestial body approaching this distance would get deformed instantly and the varying optical speed would cause it to form a ring around the body.
i.e. if any object came in distance of (Double of distance of radius of BIG Object) will trap and form a belt.

As per the recent study by the NASA - Saturn rings may vanish in 100 million years
Reason is - Because this belt is basically a Debris, and Saturn rings are mostly chunks of water ice.
and this water ice are being attracted by the magnetic field of Saturn and rings are pulled into Saturn by gravity as a dusty rain of ice particles under the influence of Saturn's magnetic field.
Saturn has atleast 62 moons (or Called as Natural Satellites).
Titan, Saturn Largest Moon and the second largest in the solar system.
Jupiter's moon - GANYMEDE is the largest natural satellite of any planet in the solar system.
SATURN is 6th Planet from SUN and it is gaseous planet.
SATURN is named after the Roman God of Agriculture (whose name was SATURN)

Mercury is the GOD Of commerce, travel and thievery in roman because it moves so quickly across the sky.
VENUS is the Roman Goddess of Love and beauty, because it makes a beautiful sight in the sky.
EARTH is the only planet whose English name not derives from Greek/Roman mythology.
MARS is the Roman God of WAR, because its color is RED.
JUPITER name was the KING of the GODS of roman mythology.
URANUS is the ancient Greek deity of the Heavens.
NEPTUNE was the Roman God the sea because it's looks Blue in color.
There are many theories which talk about - 'HOW SATURN GOT ITS RINGS
Some Theory told, As Saturn is 2nd Largest planet, so some asteroid get collapsed and particles of asteroid get trap and make rings.
Some Theory told that, That particles which make Saturn Rings are Saturn itself particles.
Saturn has almost 13 rings
Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system which has rings. - Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune also have rings. (They have very faint rings)
The outer planets (Jovian Planets or Gas Planets) are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Outer Planets have rings because they are far away from SUN where there is more debris of Asteroids and that converted into a belt.
Second reason is to attract that debris, mass of planet should be larger and we know Jupiter and Saturn are the biggest planets.
So as per ROCHE LIMIT - Roche Limit is the distance from the centre of the celestial body where the tidal forces are so strong that any other celestial body approaching this distance would get deformed instantly and the varying optical speed would cause it to form a ring around the body.
i.e. if any object came in distance of (Double of distance of radius of BIG Object) will trap and form a belt.

As per the recent study by the NASA - Saturn rings may vanish in 100 million years
Reason is - Because this belt is basically a Debris, and Saturn rings are mostly chunks of water ice.
and this water ice are being attracted by the magnetic field of Saturn and rings are pulled into Saturn by gravity as a dusty rain of ice particles under the influence of Saturn's magnetic field.
Saturn has atleast 62 moons (or Called as Natural Satellites).
Titan, Saturn Largest Moon and the second largest in the solar system.
Jupiter's moon - GANYMEDE is the largest natural satellite of any planet in the solar system.
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